Saturday, March 1, 2008

Posting 3

Polar Bears

Polar bears are the largest canivour on land and also the largest of all bears. The male polar bears can weigh up to 771 kilograms and the female polar bears can weigh up to 272 kilograms! The males can grow to three meters which is the height of a one-story building! Polar bears are becoming extinct due to human poaching and global warming. In order to prevent extinction of the Polar bears, the authorities need to set up preventive measures like preventing poachers from being able to sell the fur in the open market. By educating the public, we hope that Polar bears can be saved!

American Bullfrogs

American bullfrogs can grow up to 20 centimeters in length and over 1.4 kilograms in weight. They are usually shades of green or brown with darker patches and a light-coloured underside. American bullfrogs like warm weather thus when the weather turns cold, they will dig down into the mud to hibernate. Once the weathers turns warm again, they will emerge from the mud and go to the surface again.


Peacocks have a very beautiful tail. Peacocks are male but people usually call the female peacock or female peacock. Actually, they are called peahen. Peahens found in Singapore are usually brown in colour. The baby peacocks are called peachicks. The peachicks take about 28 days to hatch. The peacocks open their tail to attract peahens. Peacocks are very beautiful.


Octopuses have eight arms. Octopuses have a short live spent. They only live for 6 months! Octopuses have 3 hearts. 2 pump blood to the gills, while the other one pumps blood through the body. Octopuses blood contains copper-rich protein. This is for transporting oxygen. Octopuses are very interesting animals but they are eaten by humans. We must eat fewer octopuses so that they will not be endangered.

Honey Bees

Honey Bees are hardworking. They produce and store honey. Honey is made of nectar and sweet deposits that are gathered from plants and trees. We human will eat the honey made by them. Honey Bees communicate by different ways, such as chemicals and odors. Honey Bees are indeed very interesting.

Monday, February 4, 2008

Posting 2

Hello! I am Choo Wee-Lin. I really love dancing. I joined ballet and Chinese dance because of my interest. I started ballet in primary two (2004) because as you know, I love dancing and because my Chinese dance teacher thinks that I am good in dancing so I should learn ballet to be even better. I had to quit music to join ballet. You may ask me if I regreted quitting music but my answer is NO! I really enjoy ballet lessons and I always look forward to the next lesson.

I also like Chinese dance but not as much as ballet. You will ask me why and so this is my answer. Although I started Chinese dance before ballet, I feel that Chinese dance is really tiring and my muscle always hurt after the lesson. But I still have fun in Chinese dance because I have many friends there.

I have an older brother who is around three years older than me. He is very irritating but he is sometimes good to me. Other times, we will always fight. Sometimes he make me cry but I still love him and he loves me.

My best friend is Shermaine. She was in the same class as me from primary one to three. I also have another good friend, Lindsay. She was also in the same class as me from primary one to three. She lives in my neighbourhood and is also my busmate.

I hope that I can take ballet as a CCA(Co-Curriculum Activity) in my secondary school.

Tuesday, January 22, 2008

Posting 1

Elizabeth Choy is a great person. She was a heroine in the World War 2. She was a prisoner then. Electricity was applied on her bare body. She suffered badly when she was in prison. When World War 2 ended, she was awarded many medals.

Elizabeth Choy is a passionate teacher, a good wife and a great mother. She really is a true heroine.

Monday, January 21, 2008
